
Quick Link for Planting

Guidelines for landscaping and fencing can be found on our 树赠品 page

Links to Arboricultural Sites

International Society of Arboriculture website

Trees Are Good website

University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service

Alaska Department of Natural Resources 社区 Forest

Before You Plant

The following diagram shows the recommended distances a tree should be planted from power lines and poles.

Some species are suitable for the Interior. Here are some guidelines to follow when planting trees and shrubs near GVEA power lines.

Within 15 Feet of Power Pole & 行

Do not plant trees or shrubs within this space, as it is needed for equipment access along the right of way. GVEA recommends planting grasses, annuals and herbaceous perennials instead.

15 to 20 Feet from Power Poles

Plant small trees and shrubs that reach no more than 20 feet in height at maturity. Some appropriate plants for this area include:

  • Creeping juniper
  • Muhgo松
  • Red-osier, Siberian or dwarf dogwood
  • Siberian pea shrub
  • Serviceberry
  • 忍冬花
  • 紫丁香
  • Nanking cherry
  • 蕨麻
  • Peking cottonester
  • 醋栗
  • 玫瑰
  • Spireas
  • Siberian crabapples
  • Flowering crabapples
  • 黑龙江枫
  • Russian olive

20 to 40 Feet From Power Poles

Plant medium-sized trees in this area that reach no more than 40 feet at maturity. Remember to consider the crown, as well as the height.

  • Choke cherries, (including Canadian Red and Amur)
  • European bird cherry (May Day)
  • 花楸
  • Alder (mountaingreen, Sitka, thinleaf)
  • Willow (feltleaf)
  • 黑云杉

40 Feet or More From Power Poles

Plant medium-sized trees in this area that reach no more than 40 feet at maturity. Remember to consider the crown, as well as the height.

  • 白云杉
  • 桦木
  • Lodgepole pine
  • 苏格兰松树
  • Eastern larch (Tamarack)
  • Siberian larch
  • Quaking aspen (needs open space to form good shape)
  • 香脂杨树


This is only a guideline. Not all species do well in all site and soil conditions. Consult your local nursery, Alaska Cooperative Extension Service, landscape professional or GVEA’s ISA certified arborist for information on suitable growing sites for specific species.

Other Things to Consider

  • Don’t plant trees where they will obstruct access to the electric meter
  • GVEA needs to access the meter and be able to see it to read it
  • If you live in an area that has underground power, do not plant shrubs and trees near metal transformer cabinets

Tree Line USA Utility

Since 2003, GVEA has been a proud member of Tree Line USA, which is sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters. They recognize public and private utilities across the nation that demonstrate practices that protect and enhance America’s urban forests.

GVEA has several arborists on staff during the summer months; their knowledge is an added benefit to GVEA.